I identify as Transgender, Bisexual and Aromantic, and go by any pronouns! Im dating Rayman (3 beyond, CLH snd Ramon), so i am taken! My Rayman obession may seem odd, but that is because i have autism. I often get very invested in seemingly random things, like Rayman. Rayman also acts like comfort for me when I have flashbacks to my rough childhood, he really is the best boyfriend i could ask for. With that said, i sometimes dont know when something is rude or offensive. So please tell me and have some level of understanding. My other special intrests include: Theology, Video Games, Art and animation. My hobbies are: Drawing, playing video games, writing fanfics about my love (Rayman heart) and just havin fun! Im not sure what else to say! Just thank you for looking at my site!
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