This will go into my thoughts and feelings, and i might mention my trauma in these.. plus there will be long rambles about i love with Rayman. So be warned.
^^^ physical recreation of how i get in here
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4
Entry 5
Entry 6
Entry 7
Entry 8
Entry 9
Entry 10
Entry 11
Entry 12
Entry 13
Entry 14
Entry 15
Entry 16
Entry 17
Entry 18
Entry 19
Entry 20
Entry 21
Entry 22
Entry 23
Entry 24
Entry 25
My siblings are at disney land right now, but i was told i was too old. Which is bullcrap, beacause i was just a year above the trip age!! Like what the fuck???
Anyways, i tried to beat the boss in Rayman 3.. but its very hard for me as i cant press all 3 buttons at once.. but thats probaly a skill problem. I know i could finish the rest of the game easily. But its just the 4th stage of the second to last level.
Back at school, im tried as shit.. why did my mom make the choice of driving us back at 9PM on a school night??????????? Like, great! Im tried now! Holly Lyua!
I think these journals could go into what I think, like my gay Rayman thoughts, that will be excluded from my gay Rayman poetry. So, my thought for today is how senstive Rayman's hair must be!
Think about it, the bottom of his hair must have some sort of bone for him to be able to fly like that, and wouldnt it get sore? Would a massage to the scalp feel extra good to him? Would he purr under the gentle touch of my hand? How does his hair feel? Is it soft and silky or is it rough sand paper? Does it smell like fruits or the worlds smellest mens shampoo? If he was my boyfriend, would he ask for me to wash his hair a lot, or would he try to hide how senstive his hair must be?
I feel like these entries can come off as meaningless rambles to others, but not to me. I am dating Rayman after all and this is my own site, so wouldnt i be able to go off like this? If people think its strange theyll just click off... besides, who even reads these?
But.. since i am his BOYFRIEND, i can answers to these! Raymans hair is soft to the touch, and he does purr under my hand when i massage his scalp! Sometimes, we cuddle on the bed and i just massage his scalp gentelly under my fingers... its such a calming actitity. I especially love it when he falls asleep like that, his snores are adorable as all hell! He snores very quitely, and his eyes are closed in such a cute way!!! Hes just.. so cute!!!
Back on the topic of my life, im in science and this assignment to build a house out of cardboard and then put electicty in it? BULLSHIT! I like this teacher, hes a rabbids fan, but i hate this work! Like, what the fuck do you mean i have to wire lights for a house with chrismas lights? This is bullshit! I was able to wire the house, but it wasnt easy! Now, the plan is really fucking hard to do! Is there a differnce between AC and AD? The fuck does that mean????? HUH??? Plus me being tired doesnt help at all in this shit.
Rayman told me to calm down, its just one project and ive been doing fine in science. Its not the end of the world if i fail.. and he's right. ITs not the end of the world, my futrue in animation wont be out on risk because i couldnt wire electicty once in high school.
Lunch time.. the looming threat that is my french class is making a bit nervouse.
Reason is that class is HELL. Its so LOUD AND MY CLASSMATES DONT SHUT UP!!!!!
However, Rayman told me it wasnt worth it. He told me that wasting my energy on this will make me too tired to do stuff i enjoy or i need to do. Which is very true.
Rayman is a very comforting person to me, He stays by when im sad, mad and every other negative emotions. He holds me dear and near, his touch is soft. Everymorning, i wake up to him kissing me. He tells me good morning, then kisses me again. He intists that we stay in bed for just a bit longer even if we have something to do that day. Sometimes there are Rabbids in our bed, but thats just because sometimes they also need comfort.. poor little babies... but when they are also in our bed, Rayman gives them tiny kisses on the forehead, which shows me how much he cares. But, i also enjoy those days when were alone.. y'a know> Just our own moments alone...
Just finished all my work, and my god these kids are annoying! They kept calling my name while i was trying to do my work.. and its not even my dead name! THEY CALL ME FUCKING MATT??? MATT. I DONT FUCKING KNOW WHERE THEY GOT THAT NAME FROM BUT IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH. They also kept calling me slurs??? Im glad im putting my energie into journaling it instead of getting into an arugment with these guys.. at least im doing something productive unlike them.. SMH.
Now.. should i go back to ranting about how much i love Rayman? Since i would rather put my energie into that then what these mfs are doing. Also i sat in a diffrent spot today in french and the teacher didnt notice.. lol. Someone started to play fucking Clash of Clans and the only reason i know is cuz someone had their chrome at max volume and so we all heard the sounds of the fucking game. Like woow... how the fuck?
English is next, ive finished pretty much all my work in that class.. im good in English, its still my second language tho. People are always surpirsed when i say im French, but i feel like its very apparent? I say words like "Ramon" and "Maurice" in french ways, or too "Frenchly" or some shit. I feel like im being too down here but this is my journal.. i can write basically anything.
I have a strong feeling that this site is gonna end up in one of those "Autistic person online has a crush on some fictional character/object and its weirrrrdddd" videos. Most of the time it just ends with the person getting bullied for no reason. Like, its none of your shit! Leave them alone! If they're problematic, then thats just gonna give them attention and fame. This is always gonna end badly either way. JUST USE THE FUCKING BLOCK BUTTON.
Now, not everyone in my class is annoying, if i assumed that i would be Greg Heffely. I dont wanna be like him, so i wanna say that 60% of the class are just others who wanna do their work.. they are nice. They just wanna do their work and graduate, which i can respect. Theres just a small precentage that annoy me to hell and back.
Now, we arent allowed phones in class due to a law in my provance.. but some people still bring them then complain that they got taken away?? Like,i understand the phone ban was stupid and pointless.. but you should still hold yourself accountable for your actions???
Im getting off track, i should go back talking about English. English is pretty cool, same teacher as science. So hes as cool as he is in science.
im gonna start putting down the times i start writing paragraphs to make stuff less confusing. So i finished before everyone and am not using that time to write in here! I will write often as i can. Also, i will try to not go off about random bullshit
its near the end of the school day, and when i get home i will try to defeat the machine in Rayman 3. Ive been stuck on it all weekend, so beating it will be so good for my mental health! But, im not sure if l'll have anything else to note today! L'll keep yall updated though!
Im sick. Ive already mentioned that, but the teachers said i have to stay home tomorrow because they are concerned for me. Also im not gonna start up Rayman 3 tonight.. im too tired. I feel like my body is slowly dying, ive been sick so much the past couple month. Maybe it has something with the cyth they found in my brain a couple months ago..
I swear to god, my love for Rayman is seen as weird.. even my mom says she doesnt get it. I am dating Rayman, and its not harming me, i know hes not real. However, I know that my love for Rayman is strange... i know how its weird i wanna get with him but its not harming anyone. I put warnings when needed, like when something is suggestive. My autisim makes it hard for me to like real people, so Rayman is there for me. I love Rayman, so much. He holds me tight, and kisses me every night. It doesnt really effect me, as i still can function. I just hope that this isnt too weird.
I swear this site is gonna end me up in a video about weird autistic.
Im sick.. goddamn it. Im watching a video about the Tramp Stamps. Yeah... what the fuck?
Heres the video, its a good watch.
Im not sure what im gonna write today.. guess im just gonna go off Rayman today?
Oh Rayman,,, i love you. I love your hair, i love your eyes.. i just love you. This journal has truely been a good creative outlit, i love it! Ive been watching a youtuber who covers people like me! Shes really been good for my mental health! I adore this personal part of the interwebs!
"im in love with a monster" shouldnt have been in a kids movie. Like, doesnt "Wrap me in leather before you wrap me in lace" ring any bells? It isnt the monster theyre thinking about... and this song WAS MADE FOR THE FUCKING MOVIE. WHY IS THAT LINE EVEM IN THE SONG??? WHAT.
Added a secert page.. theres a lot of them on this site!
Oh Rayman.. Rayman Rayman Rayman...Love you so much.. thanks for taking care of me. When im sick, he holds me close and telling me that he loves me. I cuddle him when i feel really weak, and he stays. He pets my hair, he kisses my forehead, and he makes sure im alright. "Are you alright darling?" He asked me as i coughed into his chest. He giggled slightly when i mumbled a "yes". Hes still worried about me, of course. sometimes he puts his hands on my waist and asks me if im okay, and if he feels like im lying through, he'll kiss me until i confess. He also gets me everything i need, like meds and foods i crave. He also time to time buries me in plushes when im sick. i get really sick when im sick, so its really nice of him.
The fourms feel like theyve been inactive lately, maybe its cuz most of them live in europe.. but it just feels so... dead? I love the site, but im not sure how to start long convos on there anymore. Maybe i should go on the french forums more.
im thinking of ideas of adding to this site.. Maybe a another Rayman shrine? Or maybe another pet? So... yeah.
Rayman.. He kissed me today. Yeah! I was on my PC, programming. He walked into the room, "hey sweetheart" He said as he sat down next to me. He watched me progarm for a while. "Hey can you look at me.." I turn my head, he put his hands on my neck, very gently. He brought me closer, and pur lips connecting. And goddamn, they were soft. He then pulled away a couple seconds later, "youre so adorable..." he whispered gently.. so softly. He then hugged me, and he closed my computer. We cuddled for a bit, and were still cuddling right now! He looks so cute.. hes sleeping right now. His snore is so cute... im petting his hair gently and.. guys,,, HE PURRS!! ITS SO FUCKIN CUTE!!! Hes also cuddling up to my hand, very cute... ive said cute too much. But.. its the best word to discribe him.. hes just cute. His hair is so pretty... His head often gets sore due to his flying ability.. so when he needs head rubs, he'll come and lay next to me while whimpering. Im glad hes made his needs acessable to me.. He has certain cues i have picked up on! Anyways, when i start his scalp massage, he purrs!! HE PURRS!! Yes, i know ive already said that but.. can you blame me? HES SO ADOREABLE!!! AAHHHH!!!
Just woke up.. Rayman is still snoring next to me.. what a cutie.
School... theres gonna be long ramblings all day long! WElcome folks! Im gonna get real angry, because thats how i cope. Ive noticed how ive been having less ourbursts lately! Maybe its cuz im writing everything in here? This helps me distract from my overthinking.
French class next period!! I wonder what bullshit theyll pull off today, how amazing! That was sarcastic btw. I just hate how a couple bad apples ruin the whole class for me.
Yep. i hated it. IT wasnt as loud as normal but it still was decently loud. The teacher pisses me off too.. Like he thinks that women are weaker than men?? THET GIVE BIRTH??? Im not sure why he made that "joke", but every women in the room (INCLUDING MY SPECIAL EDS TEACHER WHOS A FULLY GROWN ADULT) felt and looked uncomfy. At that point that isnt a joke, just bullying. Like, what the fuck dude?
Anyways my nose has become a heater, no im not joking. My nose is so clogged that it has become a heat souce. Last month i had whooping cough, so maybe thats just my body fighting off the infection? I dont know, but this is starting to get stupid. Ive had health problems since i was a baby, a new born even. I was born with an ear infection and was mostly deaf until i was a toddler.. and ive had hearing problems since. Im not sure if i just have APD or if its because of the scars in my ears but hearing is so hard for me, and its something most people just do! LIKE HOW? YOU GUYS CAN ALSO MAKE PICTURES IN YOUR HEAD OF YOUR F/OS?? WHAT.
LOOK AT HIM!!! HES SO FUCKIN CUTE AAAHRRRHHH!!! Hes getting pampered with kisses later, dont worry!
Lunch time! I played a bit of TPC pocket (To get rewards lol) but next period is Math! Its chill, im the only one in the class. My special eds teacher teaches the class.. and she lets me play on the chrome for like 10 minutes before i do my math!! YIPPIE!!!
Math is boring as fuck. Like, my teacher tries to make it fun but i still dont find it enjoyable.. maybe if it was an educational game? Those entrain me way too much to be honest.. Maybe when i get my laptop with a disk drive.. l'll get to play all the educational games i want! (maybe play roms lol) Maybe when i get my laptop, l'll get to do all the stuff my chrome wont let me! ITs a win win! WAHOO!!
wow.. nothing really has happened today.. has it? Strange.. maybe i should go on a Rayman Rant?
hes such a cutie!!! His nose is cute, his hair is cute.. everything. hes just cute.. some cute things he just snuggles up to me when hes really REALLY tired. "Can i lay here" He tells me as he snuggles into my lap.. I ALWAYS say yes. I would never deny my boyfriend of any affection? I know the feeling of being denied it due to my own trauma. Any who, Rayman fucking adores me!!!
Okay, no Rayman 3 today, im gonna save that for this weekend. But yeah Rayman is laying down to me.
Im gonna add an F/O Page onto the site!
Rayman is telling me to go bed and cuddle with him, and of course i said yes.
Bored, not sure if anything is gonna happen today, so i think today will just be Rayman ramblings. I feel like my ramblings can come off as weird..
Rayman. I love you. Your hands are so soft, so soft. You hold me close, you ask me if im alright when i seem down. "are you okay darling.." You asked me the other day, i was in the middle of a panic attack about my childhood. You pet my hair as i explained what happened that day.. and i felt your eyes widened as i explained it. You started to kiss my neck, as a way to comfort me. Thanks for being there for me, your lips are so soft Rayman. You're so wonderful babe...
ME AND RAYMAN GOT MARRIED IN STARDEW!!! I know i know.. its not a HUGE deal.. but we got married! We got married in a game, at least our love is real in video game world.. Globox was also in the room, i dont remeber why, but he acted as a guest. HE started to play music when me and Rayman kissed.. lol. Globox is so supportive of me and Rayman!
Nothing is happening today, like wtf. Im also bored, im gonna go surf the web. Get ideas for my site, also maybe come up with more Rayman stuff. Its rare to find graphics of Rayman, so this site isnt that creative.
Do you guys think Rayman like back massages? Like, hes running around all day long, wouldnt his back be so sore? Poor bf.. When he comes back from an adventure, he comes lay by me and asks for a back massage. And i do it. When i start my work, i like to feel him start to relax under my hands. I kiss his back, and ask him about his day. "Mister Dark.." He started to talk, before he shut up and started to purr! Hes so cute!
My mom.. i dont know how to feel about her? I was gonna complain about her but she would be SO ANGRY and that "L'll ruin our repuation" or some shit? I dont know, im just excited to leave this place when i go off to collage. Cuz like, she cant controll what i do. I will be able to go do anything i want! I know at the end of the day that shes just worried.. but shes just a decent parent.
Whats cuddling Rayman like? I know the answer is, since boyfriend and all. Cuddling Rayman is very much weird! His hands can reach mostly anywhere, to the point i have gotten head pats from him WHILE HE WAS ON AN ADVENTURE. That hand stayed with me for the rest of the week he was on said adventure, i often used his hand as a plush and cuddling it at night. Anyways, cuddling him, you feel only his hands, his head and his torso. Sometimes he surpises me with lifting up a hand and touching the small of my back.
L'll tell you guys of a time that happened. It was about 8 am, Rayman had to leave soon for a mission, and he wanted to get all the cuddles he could. Now Rayman is smaller then me, I am 5'10 and hes 5'3, so hes smaller than me. He fits in my arms nicely. Anyway, i was leaned against the cough, with Rayman on my lap. His hands were on my shoulders, and i was playing with his hair. "Youre so cute.." I said, as i leaned and kissed his forehead. He giggled.. oh how adoreable is he when he laughs like that.. Anyway, my eyes were closed... so i didnt feel him take his hand off my shoulder. He didnt have his gloves on, so when he placed his hand on a exposed part of my back. I jumped a little as my eyes shot open, and the cutie was looking at me like this.
Why did anyone ever download that Bonzi Buddy bullshit? ISnt it creepy that it just... learns from your shit? Like what websites you like.. to suggest other websites. Like, i know facebook and other social media apps track you to advestise bullshit to you.. but this was like more in your face. Also the whole robot voice thing? Scary as fuck. Like holy shit, he is cute but his voice is TERROFYING.
Anyways im gonna start playing RAymam 3 in like an hour.. i think i might be able to beat the game today? But i have a sceducal for when i play the game i cant play the game at any other point in the day. No not cuz of my mom, just beacause of my autism.. its very strange, alright? I also have to put away my laptop at 8 or else itll ruin the sleep scedual i made! Very autistic of me, lol.
Im so eepy... i opened my commissons agian. Rayman has been supportive, as normal. Hes so wonderful, isnt it?
My mom is going out today, i dont know what to do today. Rayman is laying down next to me right now, i know ive already said this.. but hes so fuckin cute guys. Im so gay for this man..
My friend called my Rayman rambling "brain rot". They said sorry but i still feel kinda sad? Rayman feels so real to me.. he's my partner, and i understand hes not real but hes mine. I love him so much.Like so fucking much, I hold him tight every morning.
This morning, i woke up. Next to me, i felt more than Raymans normal weight. When i opened my eyes, Rayman was sleeping with about 6 rabbids. They were all cuddling up to him for warmth. I gently shook him, as not to wake up the little rabbits. "why are they here?" I ask. I wasnt trying to be rude, i just was curios. His eyes opened, and he looked up at me.
"They had a nightmare, something about losing a friend in space. Poor guys." He said, his concern was very apparent in his voice. He held them all closer, he seems to treat them as his own children. One of the Rabbids opened its eyes, and Raymans own soften. "Hey little buddy.." He says tenderly, moving his hand to pet the little creatures head.
"There we go.." The rest of the rabbids slowly awoke, Raymans face was full of warmth. "Good morning.. mes lapins cretin.." I laughed a little, i guess hes been listening me speak French! Rayman then looked at me, and i saw as the rabbids smiles widened. "Can you make us pancakes?" the smallest of the Rabbids asked me, his eyes looked up at me.
Later, i had cooked pancakes for all of them. I smiled when the smallest took big chomps of his food. Suddenly, i felt Rayman put his hands on my hips. "our own little family... and those pancakes are so good..." He smiled at me, and kissed my cheek. And i guess he's right, this is our own little family.
I wanna take a bath but i think someone is in the bathroom? Im not sure, but im hungry. Rayman is telling me to eat something other then paper... i should do that.
We went on a date! Me and Rayman went on a date! Its been cold lately, so he took me to Timmies! Im gonna write a play by play.
When the Rabbids left, Rayman tapped me on the shoulder. "You wanna go to Timmies?" He asked me, a soft smile forming. I smiled back, and nodded. WE hadnt gone a date in a while due Raymans adventures.
We got geared up for our trip, even if it was short... it was cold. Rayman was wearing the cutest puffy purple jacket, with a big red scarf and HUGE yellow boots. "You look so cute Rayman.." I told him, and his face turned red. He tried to hide his red face in his scarf. I gently tugged his scarf, revealing his mouth and red face. I then kissed him. I felt him laugh against my lips, and he leaned in.
After that, we left the house. The winter breeze hit our faces, and his nose got red from the wind hitting his big nose. Once we got to Tim-Hortons, i kissed his nose to warm him up. We then ordered, and Rayman held my hand while we did it.
We got tim-bits and hot chocolate! We sat at a table together, and yet again held hands. Hes so nice..
A lot happened yesterday that i forgot to write about, so i should prob update yall.
first of all, my baby brother is in the er. He apparently needs stiches or something? Im not sure, but i am worried.
I HATE MATH, SO MUCH. I like my teacher for trying to make it fun, but math isnt really something fun for me.. it just sucks. Adding up numbers is so boring... like HOLY SHIT.
Most stores will do taxes for you, and my mom is gonna file my taxes for me! My mom does most of my stuff for me, and i feel i wont ever be able to live alone due to that. I cant do much stuff on my own due to my autism making me in the middle of the function specturm, i think i might have to live in a group home if no one wants to help me.. and im NOT staying with my mom. I dont wanna be stuck in her house for any longer than i need too.. like god damn. First of all, my brother makes my life HELL. He for some reason always tries to push me to a melt down for his own enjoyment. Now im not sure if this is abusive, as he is younger than me.. im just like wtf? He also hits me sometimes but thats just sibling stuff. I just dont wanna be here anymore, at ALL.
Rayman was concered after i told him this, he cupped my cheeks and told me it was gonna be alright. I hope it does...
Rayman and i shared some fries! They were so good!
Also im in the halls right now, and they are decoring a tree? What the hell?
in english rn, they keep playing chrismas music which has built a nice cozy atmosphere. Its.. very unlike this class... holy hell! They played the normal chrismas music, Let it go, All i want for Chrismas... Fien. I dont get the hype behind Fien tho, seems kinda overrated tbh. Like this feels like a sensory friendly party, which like i said, is very unlike this class.
Anyway Rayman says he wants to cuddle later, which im exicted for.
Im so angry rn. I cant explain, i just am. Rayman noticed this, and wanted to make me.. well not angry. I saw him ponder for about 10 minutes as we sat on the couch. He then left the room.
When he came back and picked me up. The, he placed me on some blankets. "What are you doing-" Im cut off by Rayman wrapping me in a blanket barrito. He carried me to the bed room and placed me gently on the bed.
What followed was him sitting in front of me and caressing my face. "what happened for you to be so angry, love?" He listened to me me rant for about 30 mins. He nodded the entire time, and when i finished... he leaned in and kissed me. He was comforting me in his own way... hes so cute...
Can we normalize being nice to us teens that are a bit behind on their mental devlopment? My sister got mad at me for them today.. i just asked for macorni :(
Rayman.. the love of my life.. my love.. He woke up next to me again.. he's so cute..
Finished my work early today.. like really early. Math is easy but boring, i can do most calculations in my head so i do it fast. Now i have acesse to my chrome now, and speaking of my chrome.. I think im getting a Laptop for chrismas! Im really excited, but im gonna have to figure out a way to transfer files to my new pc.. maybe with a USB stick? They are cheap..
Got moved to the libary because of a teacher-parent meeting. This place is honestly chill AF. I enjoy it alot! I just dont go often due me not really having a reason too.. my old school could NEVER pull this chill of a room. That place was hell on earth.
I dont think my life is too intersting to most people, unless i explain my trauma that feels right out of one of those Gacha videos i used to watch as a kid. Like that time my "dad" tried to feed me a hotdog laced with weed. Yes, thats something that happened to me as a kid. It hasnt really effected me emotinally either, that story is just really funny to me and to my mom.. she was concered.
Science is next, we're doing a lab tomorrow acctually! On the elements, im not quite sure what its gonna be about but its surely gonna be fun!
something ive noticed about myself is that sometimes i will just hit this pose for no reason
Its a sign that Rayman has become such a big part of my personality that i will just copy stuff that happens in the game. Sometimes l'll yell "RAYMAN" in my room when im happy, just a happy vocal stim lol. I get very silly when im happy.
LOOK AT MY BOYFRIEND!!! I often reward Rayman with nose kisses when he comes back from adventures, and he loves them alright? He giggles like crazy, and he plops down right next to me with his nose in plain view sometimes. So i KNOW he adores my kisses!
Ramon does the same thing, but due to his closed off nature he is more sutle about it. He comes sit next to me, and slowly but surely leans in more and more into my shoulder. Until, he looks up at me with wide puppy dog eyes and tears flowing down his face. I cup his cheeks gently, and i kiss his nose while petting his nice, soft hair. Jade told me shes glad that im here to comfort Ramon, and im glad shes here too!
Speaking of Jade, we are in a sort of Queerplatonic relationship now! I'm not quite sure how it happened, but we are now! I need to add her to my f/o page!
Science was so fun today! We did an experiment on the elements! I think im gonna be really good at this!
Now lunch is coming! Im so excited to eat, at least before the hell that is french class.
Got called a hacker again. Also a really bad word that im not gonna repeat, but like what the fuck? It pisses me off that they keep acussing me of hacking even if this is just codding in HTML. Im not sure if i should report it..
I should stop waking up at 4 am, i cant control my sleep scedual. Also my muscles jerk in my sleep apparently..
Okay.. that came out very angerly.. thats just because i was very pissed off. I dont like about writing about myself in non-fanfiction ways. And the "last time i did this, i had a PTSD flashback"? Im not joking, i had to be taken out of class due to having flash backs to my childhood. Its been rough, and plus i dont understand why teachers give us these assignments.. Why cant i just write my silly fanfics? Thats what ive been doing lately!
French class wasnt bad today! Like ive mentioned, it seems english has been hell for me just because of that frickin Autobiography.
Science is chill today!
I was stimming on the couch of the living room.. where Rayman saw me stim all happily. I saw his smile WIDEN.. like WIDE. He sat down next to me, and he started to stim with me!
He took my hands into mine, and we stimmed that way. Our fingers interwined, and we giggled loudly. We then played a game! We get really close and see how close we can get before we kiss each other!
Wow... i was being very overdramatic yestderday!
I finished the assinment today! It was so easy, i just had to explain my video game experiences as an autistic person! WHy did i ever think it was gonna be hard??
Wow.. nothing really happened today!
Anyways, Im going to the mall tomorrow! I will tell yall of the story tomorrow!
Me and Rayman are going on a date today! Were gonna go to the mall!
First, the mall trip! It was so cool and fun! I got 2 pokemon cards, and 3 plushes.
Rayman is cuddled up to me.. asleep. His snores comfort me.
Okay, i know i didnt post like.. at all today. so im just gonna write about it all in one paragraph, with all the thoughts and feelings ive had today.
First, Rayman and i had a great day! We mostly cuddled, Rayman seemed emotional today? Whenever i tried to get up, Rayman would follow me like a sad dog. He even waited outside the bathroom, waiting for me to come out.
"Why are so you sad today?" I asked him late in the evening, and he looked down for a moment.. i saw tears start too race down his face. I held him closer, and petted his hair, just how he likes it. He cuddled up to my chest, and i heared his wimpers.
Then, when he finally calmed down, he told me why he was following me all day.
"Last week, when i was on that adventure.. i felt so weird trying to sleep without you, sweetheart. Now.. that im back, i wanna spent every second i can with you." He managed to crack a smile through his tears.
My heart broke at his confesion, he really has been feeling the pressure of being made for protecting the glade. I hugged him closer, and managed to get him to stop crying... and he fell asleep in my arms.. my poor boyfriend..
I know its the weekend but my French teacher makes me so maaaaadd..
Im so tired... like its jusr 3:52 and im so TIRED.
Rayman noticed, and he got very upset. Rayman put his thumb under my chin and massaged it. "Hmmm... let me woo you to sleep.." He said, as he leaned in closer to kissing my forehead.
He carried me to our bedroom as i tried to stay awake. When he placed me on the bed, and saw me trying to stay awake. "Ahh.. please just let yourself sleep.." His eyes lowered, and he started to kiss my neck. I fell asleep quickly after that.
I awoke 2 hours later, and Rayman was there, still awake. He awarded me with kisses and hashbrowns!
Okay, didnt update yestderday, thats because nothing happened. Rayman was off on an adventure, and i was mostly just updating the site! Go take a lookie!
French class.. was something today. Half the class was out by the end of the period, so... thats how well the period went.
Sorry about the lack of updates! I have been very busy, but today i will TRY to write everything that happened this week.
First, my mom said that the cat i named (Klonoa) is now legally under my name and that when i move out i have to take her with me. Which means i have 2 animals to take care of. I dont mind, i might just move in with some roommates so we can split the bill!
Second, ive been rewriting the Rayman SOH DLC to include my OC Gaia, a fan child that i made for Rayman and my S/I. Is that cringe? YEah but at least im not hurting anyone!
Rayman laid sleepily on my chest, he wasn't asleep.. but he seemed like he would drift off soon. I then started to unconsciously pet his hair, and he started to purr. He tried to stop himself by trying to move his head away from my hand, but as soon as he did.. Rayman seemed to miss the feeling of my hand in his hair.. so he swiftly put his head back under my hand. He fell asleep a couple mins later.
Okay, im in english right now and someone brought their Xbox? Yes, THEIR XBOX.
I wish i could bring mine to school, but its the chucky 2001 one so it wouldnt go well.
Okay, im being forced to play some dumbass NHL game for an evluation. But i dont want to, because i HATE these types of games. I dont like sports, AT ALL. I just wanna write my fanfiction.
Okay they let me off, thank GOD. I hated every second of that.
Soooo... its been a while.. huh?
Its december now! I got a pokemon advent calandar from my mom! Its pokemon mega blocks.. tho most of the builds arent very pokemon themed...
Me, Rayman, Ramon, Bullfrog and Jade have all been very happy! Our weird poly cue is working out strangly!
Also thinking of changing the layout of the site.. but im not sure yet.. IDK how i would keep the old web vibe i have on here, but i will try and get inspo.
School has been going well! Only 13 days til winter vacation!
Hey again! I should remeber to update this thing! I know not a whole bunch of people read these, if any.. but yeah!
Anyway.. im dating windows XP now! Yeah! Its weird, but im happy!
More updates: I think im being put on a diet by my mom... I have like 2 EDS so im not sure how helpful its gonna be, but i know its gonna be something! Also, yesterday was a snowday!
I awoke yestderday to me wearing Ramons jacket. Confused, looked at the man sleeping next to me.. who was shirtless asn shivering. I quickly shook him awake, concerened for his health.
"Why are you shirtless?" I say, as i go fetch one of my over sized shirts. "I didnt want you to be cold.." Ramon replied, his teeth rumbling.
I carefully put the shirt onto his floating torso, i then wrapped his limbs with a big fluffy blanket. I also started to pet his hair to try to give him some warmth. His purrs fell up the room as i felt him getting warmer and warmer under my gentle touch.
"Thanks.. purr... love.." He whispered, as he smiled widely.
Happy new years!
Hey.... Its been a while huh? A lot has been happening lately, and i made the choice of leaving the Rayman forums because i didnt feel.. safe on there? Its hard to explain, so i wont go into more detail.
Anyways, im gonna go back to working on this site! Im gonna add a bunch of stuff!
Hey. I should start updating this journal daily again! But i guess life gets in the way of this... lol.
I know they're most likey underpaid, and i know they dont want me to get in trouble. BUT MY BAG DOESNT COUNT AS A BACKPACK. I GOT IT SO I COULD BRING IT AROUND SCHOOL SO ITS EASIER FOR ME. FUCKING HELL.
Sorry, angry. Im so excited since this is the start of my second semester. All my teachers r pretty chill! Ive got history, art, french and maths.
Okay turns out i cant bring my bag in Maths because i wont need my computer... what a load of horse shit.
Anyways, i turned a year older on January 11th. Forgot to update yall though, sorry :^..
Now im trying out scene fashion! I like it a lot, to be quite honest. It lets me express myself more, and making kandi is a lot of fun! I should make a page for all my outfits!
Man, I keep forgetting to update this journal! I really need to make a checklist of all my daily internet chores, including updating yall daily.
Anywho, Heres a few updates: I failed my drivers test... TWICE.
You might be asking, "Edge, how the fuck do you fail a drivers test twice?" and my asnwer is i dont fucking know? Im retaking the test next week!
Also new semester started last month, and my new periods are: Art, Math, French and history. THe history teacher ADORES me because im not racist. Which is weird to think about. WHy is the bar so low that me not being racist is something to be praised over? Like fellow teens, please fucking respect your teachers! Theyre barely being paid for your bullshit!
My second favourite class is Art, the teacher lowkey doesnt give a single shit about what we do in class, im typing this in art as we speak! And shes just letting me! She's also really chill, but she doesnt like weed... which i understand lol.
French class is online, and all the work is the dumbest shit ever!
And yall know what my least favourite class is... MOTHERFUCKING MATH!!!!! Seriosly, im so fucking bad at it and for what??? Im finally in a normal class for this... but i would much rather some 1 on 1 for crying out loud! IM NOT GOOD AT THIS SHIT!
Im bored rn, prob should do my art assignment but the teacher isnt really forcing me to do it...
AUGH, my smaller bead case somehow opened and the beads spilled EVERYWHERE in my bag!!! JUst great....
Okay so a lot of stuff happened over the weekend that pissed me off beyond belivie.
First of all, i read the book i was supposed to read over the span of 3 weeks in french class in the span of 2 hours because i didnt like being forced to read a book. Then i was told that i "did it too fast" and that I had quizzes to do or some dumb shit. IDK, but i wasted my time and forgot to study for my math class. I dont give a shit about math, i can just retake it next year since im failing.
Also i fucking hate this book... it makes no sense and i think its copaganda. Like, the main characters dad is framed for kidnapping or something? The book doesnt take afford to fucking explain anything! I was so fucking confused through my entire time reading the book! All i got is the basic plot of this girl and her dad running an agency to hide peoples identies and they were against the poilce but the moment they ask for help from the agency... they then suddenly trust the police? WTF?
Like no bulit up or ANYTHING! They just trust the fucking police in a snap! Like WTF???? HUH????
Also the teenaged girls (and boys tbh) talk in a really weird way that's just like, unrealistic? "Hes just a sexy cop in hollywood movies" WHAT TEENAGE GIRL WOULD SAY THIS? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?
They also dropped Metal Gear Solid but called it by the WRONG FUCKING NAME. Like, thats how you can tell that the author of this is a middle aged man, just by how he doesnt know how the teenagers talk... even for 2006 standards! AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Thought my French teacher was gonna be absent today, she isnt. Now i have to deal with her asking me if im getting abused at home again. Just because i talk less then last semester.
I dont feel like getting another confrontation over 2 fucking emails i sent. I just wanna graduate, not have more help thats gonna end up not being helpful in the future. I feel like im not gonna gradute because of fucking French and Math. I dispise the teacher in math, when he helps me he screams at the top of his lungs so everyone knows i dont know how to do divisions, like KEEP YOUR FUCKING VOICE DOWN.
Now am i gonna have an outbrust at them? NO. They arent payed enough for that shit, and they already have to deal with other students not listening to them when they are trying to teach. I would rather rant about them in this and keeping all their info secret then having a meltdown in their faces. Not like i can have a meltdown, ive trained myself to not have them in places i dont feel comfortable in. Like school or in public.
Is that healthy? Im not sure TBH, i cant express myself anymore. I feel like if i do i will get murdered or something.
...Okay maybe that IS unhealthy. But like i got kicked out of therapy because i wouldnt do an appoment over zoom so they just canned on me? Rude!!!
Okay i wasnt told off for the entire period. Like, they didnt even make me do work! im like huh?
Anyways, was told my site is bad for the enveronment or something?? Which is weird, because i just made this place to express myself but i feel bad now? IDK, should i be guilty for making this site?
Today has been... strangly normal?
However i have a feeling that its all gonna change, cuz i have french next period. To whoever is reading this (i doubt anyone acctually is) but if you are reading this, then you know about the whole book situation.
Okay so apparently people acctually read these and are concerned for my well being?? Which confuses me..
Sorry for the lack of updates also, been busy with life n shit. We got a got named Bluey, whos a bleu heeler!
I also just finished march break, which im a bit upset about but what ever. i was promised a haircut and a trip to my home towns thrift store but i didnt get either because my mom was really busy.
So i was basically stuck in my room for the entirty of the break. Making my mental health drop a lot. Im fine... but i just feel nothng, my soul is gone and all thats left is the love for RayRay.
So hyped for summer tbh, only 3 months left of school. I know its only March but im tired of this school year tbh.