"What is an F/O?"

Fictional Other! Its a selfshipper, mostly used on tumblr. They call themselves "self-shippers", and i am one of them.

Why do i selfship?

A couple reasons.. first reason is that due to past trauma i have trouble connecting to real people and being attracted to them.. So fictional characters do that for me! Second of all... its fun as fuck! "who are you dating?" MOTHERFUCKIN RAYMAN LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!


Romantic F/Os


My biggest F/O is Rayman! Im pretty sure yall could tell.. Since i dont shut up the fuck up about him! Im in a commited romance with him, and im sure he loves me too! We are boyfriends, but sometimes i call him my husband. Maybe one day l'll host a wedding for me and Rayman!


HES SO FUCKIN HOT!!! LIKE HOLY SHIT. He takes real good care of me.. sometimes he grabs me by the waist and holds me close... hes so handsom and cute... His hands feel like sandpaper..


MY LITTLE FRENCH BF!!! AWWWWEEEEEE!!! Its nice to have a boyfriend that speaks the same language as me!

Dr Neo Cortex!

Yeah, i know Cortex looks like a simpson but i love him.


Yeah, discord is a weird ass choice but who cares lol.

QueerPlatonic f/os


Shes so pretty! I havent played Beyond Good and Evil yet but im excited!