The seach for "The Fair LacMac"

The Fair LacMac was planned to be the 5th episode of the Animated Rayman Show, but was canned at the last minute along with the other 21 episodes. THe show was canceled due to it being "too expensive" and "marketing reasons"... Whatever that means.

Im trying to preserve stuff from this show and find more stuff from the 5th episode and possibly more!

Heres the page i made for it!

Rayman dating sim

Im making a Rayman dating Sim! Itll be text based, so l'll be at it for a bit..

My Rayman AU

A tale of Two Lovers, a AU about my self insert.

Read the google doc!


im going through my high school education right now! I wanna be an animator, and work in it! Since i am disabled, i cant really work a normal job! So this is more for me!